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02.12.03 - 9:07 a.m.

I have to tell you about my dream last night.

So, I'm biking across New Zealand with Cola and Gadget, my two best friends (ahem. only friends here). As one does.

And we get to this very very wide street. It's like a freeway, and eight, ten lane freeway. But empty. Somehow, Gadge, Cola and I get separated. They end up in the far left-hand lane, and I end up in the far right hand lane.

We continue that way for a while, but we notice that traffic is getting heavier, and besides, the shouting to each other is getting old, and plus we have a left hand turn coming up, so I'm going to get over to the left-hand side of the road.

I glance back, and notice that there's a lot of traffic behind us (almost nothing in front), so I start to signal to move left (yes, I'm a geeky biker), and I work my way across the lanes. First across a bike lane, then across a car lane, then another bike lane, then a moms-with-strollers lane (it even has the reflective decal of a mom with a stroller), then a car lane, then a two-kids-holding-hands lane (also with decal), another car lane, another bike lane, then a lane that has something to do with balloons (I'm not entirely clear either, but that's what the reflective decal in the road was of--a balloon), and then I'm one lane over from my friends.

Gadge is riding some kind of odd bike where she's on all fours, and pedals by using her hands to crank some kind of axel that runs parallell to the wheels. "It's for core body strength" she says. I am suddenly riding a bike like that, except the hand pedals are more like on a wheel chair. "I'm sorry," I call out to the guy behind me. "I'm just getting the hang of this."

"It looks like you're getting it to me," Val Kilmer answers.

At that moment, my husband jumps on me in all his wet naked fresh-from-the-shower glory. And try as I might, I can't get back to sleep to finish the dream.


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